
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
Psalm 6, John 12:27-30

”Lent: Praying in Brokenness”

Song of Worship




  1. You're invited this Saturday, 2/24, to a jazz concert starring our very own Hina Oikawa. The event starts at 4pm in the sanctuary. There is a suggested donation of $10-20.

  2. We need a few more slideshow techs to advance the song lyrics and service slides during Sunday worship. It is a simple yet important task for service to run smoothly. Training will be provided. Please email if you can help.

  3. If you have not received your offering statement, please reach out to Catharina Lee for your copy.

  4. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at the link below or utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.