
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
Isaiah 42:1-4, John 20:19-31

”The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ”

Song of Worship




  1. After service we will meet in the Fellowship Hall for an education session on the Reformed theology of worship and how that will inform some changes to our Sunday worship service going forward. If you are interested in why we worship the way that we worship, we hope that you will find this time valuable. Big thanks to the Blessed Women’s Small group for hosting and providing light refreshments.

  2. Next Sunday, join us for the first Taiwan short-term missions fundraiser in the Fellowship Hall between 12-1 PM and 2-3 PM. Cash and checks are accepted. Please make checks out to the “Reformed Church of Newtown” with “MEMO: The Taiwan Mission 2024.” So far, the team has reached 60% of their $10K goal. Please continue to lift up the team of 9 youth and young adults as well as the 3 team leaders. Thank you for your prayers and support!

  3. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at the link below or utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.